Course Curriculum

    1. Prework for Emotionally Wise Fruitful Leadership - Read this Article

    2. Group Session 1 - Vision Oriented Leadership

    3. Inspire to Action - Resonant Leadership Group Discussion

    4. Self Confidence Group Discussion

    5. Empathy in the Context of Visionary Leadership Group Discussion

    6. Change Catalyst Group Discussion

    7. Group Session 2 - Affiliative Leadership

    8. Team Work and Collaboration Discussion

    9. Empathy in Affiliative Leadership Group Discussion

    10. Transparency in the context of Affiliative Leadership

    11. Group Session 3 - Pace Setting Leadership

    12. Empathy in a Pace-Setting Mode of Leadership Group Discussion

    13. Emotional Self Control in a Pace Setting Leader Group Discussion

    14. Emotional Self Awareness for the Pace Setting Leader

    15. Group Session 4 Democratic or Consensus Leadership

    16. Effective Communication in Democratic/Consensus Leadership Group Discussion

    17. Teamwork and Collaboration in Consensus Leadership Group Discussion

    18. Group Session 5 Command Leadership

    19. Influence and Persuasion in Command Leadership Group Discussion

    20. Achievement in Command Leadership Group Discussion

    21. Taking Initiative in Command Leadership Group Discussion

    22. Group Session 6 Coaching Leadership

    23. Resonance for the Coaching Leader Group Discussion

    24. Emotional Self-Awareness for Coaching Leadership Group Discussion

    25. Developing Others for Coaching Leadership Group Discussion

    26. Empathy for the Coaching Leader Group Discussion

    27. Five Principles of Appreciative Inquiry

    28. The Four "D" Model of Appreciative Inquiry

    29. Course Feedback

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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